The best burger sauce
I love burgers, specially cheeseburgers, it is one of the ultimate summer comfort foods. I am always open to the idea of trying burgers made with other meats like duck mince or plant base, but in many ways I’m still a traditionalist and a simple burger with delicious cheese sometimes is all I need, when the weather is warm, the bbq grill is on and we want to eat something without any fuzz, no cutlery involved, just plain simple good and delicious burger.
Once when dinning out in a pub in Belgravia, I had a burger with a delicious burger sauce, probably the best. I have done my research and mixed a few recipes and came up with one that works for me and for what I regularly have in my pantry. You can make it your own and tweak it to your taste, I do hope you enjoy it.

Burger Sauce Recipe
Combine all ingredients is a small bowl until well blend. If you think the sauce is too thick, add one teaspoon at a time of the gherkin juice (yes, the liquid from the jar).
Spread generously on the base bun or on top of the burger pile.