How to care for your dining candles

Tapered dining candles add a subtle touch of luxury and elegance to any setting.  So when in doubt, short of time or inspiration, the easiest and fastest way to elevate your table setting is by adding a couple (or more) of dining candles and candles holders.  

I invite you to use candles in any occasion, to light a candle during a meal, whether you are with family, you have friends around for drinks, and specially if you are dinning alone or enjoying a book in a quiet evening.  

Our beautiful coloured dinner candles have a burning time of 15hrs each.  Having such a long life we thought of sharing a few tips and recommendations on how to look after your tapered dining candles. 

This is a very streamlined guide taken from the National Candle Association, our amazing Danish producers and, well, common sense.  

Elegant table setting with candles and flowers 


Keep your candles in a dark, dry and cool place until you are ready to use them.



Positioning is key for styling and safety, but also to allow the candle to burn evenly and longer.  This might seem obvious but worth remembering: 

  • always keep a burning candle within sight, and never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire (think curtains, bedding, books, flammable decorations, etc).
  • Don’t place lighted candles where they might be knocked over by children or pets.
  • Never leave your candle in a drafty area, above a heater, close to a vent or fan, etc., this will make the candle run, burn unevenly or both.

Elegant spring table setting 


We offer candlesticks designed for our candles so you don’t have to worry about this.  Were you to use different ones, we strongly advice you to make sure the dining candles fit the holders correctly.  

Never melt the bottom of the candle if they are too big, it can be messy and very unstable.  Rather soften the wax by dipping the end of the candle in boiling water before you push into a holder. 



Our tapered candles are made with the best available raw materials on the market. This means that besides burning more stable, more beautiful and longer than most candles in the market, our candles also have one of the lowest soot behaviour scores, which means that there is minimal oozing or smelling.

Simple table setting with flowers and candles 


Put out your candle by dipping the wick into its liquid wax. This way you will avoid ooze and the candle will be much easier to light the next time you use it.  

Always keep the wick at a maximum 1cm before lighting your candles.  Your candle will burn longer with a shorter wick with no oozing.  


Christmas table setting with candles


Daffofils photo by Tīna Sāra on Unsplash

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